Tax Help Colorado Springs

Need tax help Colorado Springs?

tax help colorado springs
Let us help you out of your Tax Nightmare!

We can help you! We have helped many people in dozens of scenarios with their tax problems. Tax help colorado springs, you bet! Consider the following with others first. Did you know that the majority of ads for tax resolution and tax debt help on the radio and television are nothing more than lead generation services? They gather potential clients information and then sell them to firms who usually overcharge clients for mediocre performance. We are a local firm helping people throughout the country but we focus on helping local clients and meeting face-to-face to confront your tax issues. If you’re in debt with the IRS, contact us today to help you with your tax debt!

Here is a scenario: A client came in with a notice from the State of Colorado showing he owed $11,271. We amended the return filed by his original accountant and got him a refund instead. That was fun! Don’t pay notices from the IRS or any state without having a competent professional review the situation.

Or consider this scenario: we battled with the State of Colorado on a non-resident tax issue and generated a $12,814 refund for our client!